Buy a Kangen Water Machine

Kangen Water Machines, Benefits & More

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What is Kangen Water?

Kangen Water is simply ionized water made by Enagic’s Kangen water machine, which converts normal tap water into either acidic or alkaline water, based on the setting you choose. Kangen machines, depending on the model, can produce water between 2.7 PH and 11.5 PH).

Kangen water machines put water through a process known as electrolysis, in which it basically electrocutes the water and splits it into high PH (Alkaline) and low PH (Acidic). This is why most of them have two tubes coming out of them, one for Alkaline and one for Acidic water.


Leveluk K8
$4999 $4,700-

Leveluk K8 is Enagic's top of the line anti-oxidizing Kangen water machine for home use. It has 8 platinum coated plates and is capable of making the highest oxidation reduction potential (ORP) water.

Leveluk K8
Leveluk SD501

Leveluk SD501

Leveluk SD501 is Enagic's best-selling unit. It features 7 platinum coated plates and a voice commands system. Leveluk SD501 is a testament to the durability and quality of Enagic's products.

Leveluk SD 501 Platinum

Leveluk SD 501 Platinum

Leveluk SD 501 Platinum is the higher-end version of SD 501. It performs the same functionalities, but has a platinum look and feel to it, adding a bit of luxury to your kitchen. It can also switch to any of these 5 languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and German.

Leveluk JRII

Leveluk JRII

Leveluk JRII is very similar to SD 501, except it only has 3 platinum coated plates, yielding water with much lower maximum ORP and with lower output. On the plus side, it requires considerably less electricity.

Leveluk Super 501

Leveluk Super 501

Leveluk Super 501 is a commercial or industrial grade Kangen water machine. It has 2 output hoses and can produce at least double the amount most other machines can. Even though it can be useful for large families, the K8 or SD 501 will also get the job done.

Benefits of Kangen Water Machines

Why should you buy a Kangen water machine instead of other water ionizers? There are multiple brands that are actively advertising this type of product, so what's so special about Enagic's Kangen water machines?

Here are just a few reasons we recommend Enagic’s Kangen machine:

Tried and tested. Enagic has been around for years and developed a large community of people who know and love Kangen water. Kangen water is also the most searched for brand of alkaline water.

Quality above all. One of the biggest selling points for kangen water is the the quality of its platinum coated plates that help split tap water into alkaline and acidic. Multiple videos of people taking apart machines from other manufacturers expose just how bad their plates are, often consisting of mesh, instead of a solid platinum. That should give an idea of the quality of Enagic's Kangen water machines, especially since the plates are what make them cost that much more.

Durability over time. Based on what I’ve seen in person and online, with proper care, kangen water machines can last for 20+ years. I’ve seen many examples of the complete opposite with some of the other heavily advertised brands.

What's Up With All Kangen Water Reviews?

There’s an abundance of reviews for kangen water machines and controversy all over the web, both good and bad, so who can you trust when you’re looking to buy a machine for yourself, your family or your workplace? Honestly, these days even the BBB and Consumer Reports are full of competitor sponsored reviews, who bash the products they’re going up against.

When you’re looking up reviews from different sources about a particular company like Enagic or a product like a Kangen Water Machine, Leveluk 501 for example, be sure to understand who’s behind the review (competitor website, competitor’s company, sales people trying to push their product, etc…), basically see if they might be biased.

One way to spot that would be to look for an affiliate link, taking you to a website like Amazon, where you can purchase a similar product, let’s say another water ionizer.

Are There Health Benefits To Drinking Kangen Water?

Even though there’s a ton of information (and some misinformation) about the benefits of switching to strictly kangen water, one thing remains clear… It does NOT cure any diseases and anyone who claims that it does is lying to you. In some cases, this water might help select individuals overcome serious health problems like cancer, but kangen water is definitely not a “cure for cancer” or any other disease no matter how mild or serious it is.

When it comes to reported benefits, there’s a lot of people claiming that after drinking this water for over a week at recommended quantities (0.5 gallon or about 2 liters per day minimum), they notice things like:

Mind Clarity

Boost of Energy, without crashing (unlike energy drinks)

Better and Deeper Sleep

Improved Hydration (since your body absorbs kangen water much better)

Skin Glow

Thicker Hair (for those who had issues)

So those aren’t necessarily health benefits, but more of lifestyle improvement.

Don’t care what I have to say about it? Then check out this video, it ain’t me talking:

Different Types of Kangen Water Uses and Benefits

According to Enagic’s official website and my personal experience, there are 5 types of water that kangen machines make:

Strong Kangen Water (11.5 PH Most Alkaline)

Drinking Water (8.5 to 9.5 PH Alkaline)

Neutral, Clean Water (7 PH Neutral)

Beauty Water (4 to 6 PH Slightly Acidic)

Strong Acidic Water (2.7 PH Most Acidic)

Each type of water has specific properties and can be used for different things in and around the house.

PH Scale

Strong Kangen Water – This highly alkaline water has very interesting properties and can be used for:

Cleaning (instead of chemical and other household cleaners). Use on kitchen counters, stovetops and other greasy or dirty surfaces.

Food Cleaning and Preparation – Due to its unique properties, strong Kangen water is perfect for removing oil-based pesticides from store bought fruits and vegetables. There will be a video that demonstrates this, it’s pretty cool.

Stain Removal – For things like carpets, rugs, upholstery, hard surfaces and even clothes, however it is not a good substitute for bleach.

Kangen Water For Drinking – All the hype is over this type of water produced by Kangen machines. Ranging between 8.5 and 9.5 PH, this water is perfect for:

Drinking – Just as the name suggests, the optimal amount of water you should drink is your body weight in ounces, and that’s daily. For example: if you weight 150 lbs, that means you should drink 150 oz. (1.17 gallons) daily to stay properly hydrated.

Cooking – It’s great to use it in soups, broths, stews and homemade sauces.

Pre-cooking – Certain foods need to be boiled prior further cooking, and the Kangen drinking water is perfect for that.

Drinks – Anything ranging from lemonade to coffee and tea can be made with Kangen drinking water. Fun fact: Both coffee and tea will taste stronger, due to the water’s smaller molecular size, a video demonstrating this will be posted once available.

Watering You Plants – Even though I heard that acidic water is best for plants, Enagic’s website states that plants love the drinking water… I’d definitely test it, before going all in on that.

Neutral, Clean Water – Enagic’s website states that this type of water produced by Kangen water machines is “Free of chlorine”. In my experience, the machine itself does not remove all the chlorine, and a pre-filtration system is required in order to get all the chlorine out. So, what is PH 7 Kangen water good for?

Baby Food Preparation – That way you give your child clean water without going overboard with the PH stuff.

Drowning Medication – If you’re taking pills, Enagic recommends taking them with this particular water, to avoid any negative reaction.

Kangen Beauty Water - By design, our skin is slightly acidic, while all the soaps and body gels that we use to clean our bodies are alkaline, which means that after showering we’re at a disbalance. That’s where Kangen beauty water comes to the rescue. Here are some of the ways you can use it:

Face Washing – Pretty straight forward… You wash the skin on your face with water that has a PH that’s close to your skin. Some people say it’s hydrating, others say it’s soothing and adds a certain glow to it.

Hair Cleaning – Most people use shampoo and conditioner when washing their hair, so Enagic suggests using shampoo to clean and Kangen beauty water to condition your hair, to give it extra shine and avoid tangling.

Clean Your Pets – If its good for your skin, why not help you pets be as clean and shiny? It’s recommended to spray your pet with the beauty water and brush their hair right after.

Polishing – Supposedly, beauty water is great for polishing glass, mirrors, windows, etc. Nothing too exciting, but another way to use it.

Preservation of Food’s Flavor Prior to Freezing – Another interesting way to use it, be sure to use 4 to 4.5 PH water for this. Supposedly spraying your food prior to freezing it, helps keep it’s flavor when it’s ready to be consumed.

Strong Acidic Water - The exact opposite of Strong Kangen Water. Definitely not meant to be drunk! At 2.7 Ph this water can be used for:

Disinfecting surfaces – Things like kitchen knives, countertops, toilet seats, door knobs & handles as well as surgical utensils! Personally, I would stick with alcohol, but apparently some hospitals in Japan use it exactly for that.

Personal Disinfection – Dropped your tooth brush? Dip it in strong acidic water! Ran out of mouthwash? Enagic suggests using it as mouthwash, as long as you do NOT swallow it.

All of the above are some cool ways to use Kangen Water, but the most popular is of course… Drinking Water!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a Kangen Water Machine cost?

Kangen water machines cost a hefty amount, between $4,980 for Leveluk K8 and $2,380 for the JRII model. The most popular machine is Leveluk SD501 which is priced at $3,980. The price depends on the model and each upper echelon model has it’s perks.

Can you buy Kangen Water?

You can buy kangen water by purchasing one of the machines. Kangen water is not bottled or sold at grocery stores. It is generally advertised and sold as a device for your family, which get installed at your home.

Why is Kangen Water so expensive?

Kangen water is so expensive because of the price of the machines that produce it. The water itself is essentially free, but you have to own a machine to produce the kangen water.

Is there a difference between alkaline water and Kangen Water?

There are differences between alkaline and kangen water. All kangen water is alkaline, but not all alkaline water is kangen water. Kangen water is only produced by Enagic’s kangen water machines and is of the highest quality. It contains antioxidants and minerals, unlike regular and store bought alkaline water.

Is Kangen Water FDA approved?

Kangen water is not approved by the FDA, but neither are many other succesful products, which are on the market today. There are many bad apples (distributors) who make false health claims, so the FDA made a “false, deceptive and misleading claims” advisory regarding the water.

Does Kangen Water really work?

Kangen water does work for many things like enhanced hydration, but it’s NOT a cure for any illness and shouldn’t be advertised as such. Everyone will have a different experience drinking the water.

Is Kangen Water worth the money?

Kangen water is definitely worth the money if you’re looking for certain benefits, which do NOT include getting healed from a disease or an illness. Drinking kangen water is a lifestyle choice, more than a quick fix.

Is Enagic a pyramid scheme?

Technically, Enagic is a pyramid scheme in terms of their marketing system, but it’s not a bad thing. They chose to let “independent distributors” sell their machines and spread the word, instead of spending that money on ads and promotions. In a way, they are putting money back into our communities.

How much does it cost to join Enagic?

The cost to join Enagic is between $760 (Ukon Turmeric) and $4,980 (Leveluk K8). Enagic sells multiple products and not just kangen water machines. Most common way to join, is to purchase a machine.

Is Kangen Water a Scam?

Enagic is the company that produces and distributes kangen water machines. They are based out of Japan and have offices all over the world. The company has been around for over 30 years and its sales system is an MLM (Multi Level Marketing).

While some of Enagic’s competitors would love for kangen water to be a scam, it simply is not, but that doesn’t stop those competitors from spreading misinformation and essentially “fake news” about Enagic and their products, while “suggesting” that you should buy their product instead.

When you purchase a kangen water machine, you are essentially paying a premium price for a premium product, which leads me into the topic below.

Who's Behind Water Ionizer “comparison sheets” and “Buyer’s Guides”?

Why are there so many comparisons where kangen water machines (like Leveluk SD501 or K8) are set side by side with “other” water ionizers and strangely enough the kangen machines always come out to either be inferior in terms of performance or more expensive, or even both? One thing I don’t see all over the web, is Enagic, trying to compare themselves to other manufacturers, and something tells me it’s because they simply don’t need to. In any case, it’s best if you draw your own conclusions.

Buyer Guides and Free E-Books are a whole other topic… Every water ionizer company is looking to “inform” their potential consumers, where in reality all they are doing is trying to sell you on what they describe as the best alkaline water machine known to men.

Kangen Water Wiki and What Does Wikipedia Have To Say

There’s not too much information about kangen water specifically, but there’s a good bit about water ionizers aka alkaline ionizers. Check it out here. The page covers the basics of how the appliance (water ionizer) makes the water, talks a bit about alkaline diets, mentions that there’s no medical evidence backing the health benefits and goes over the chemistry and health claims. Pretty boring stuff. Just remember… A person wrote this, they may or may not be biased. I love Wikipedia, I just think it’s important to take kangen water wiki content and other medical-ish advice found there with a grain of salt.